EdgeMate Pool Chair is proud to Partner with the ILHA
Rent for just $30 per day and you will pay for the investment in less than two weeks
Additional poolside seating and our built-in cup holder allow for more F&B sales
Provide all guests with a totally new and comfortable option with immersive, in-pool seating
While opportunities for the accessible traveler continue to grow, there is still much to accomplish in terms of education and awareness. As our hotel/resort partners continue to offer designated access into the pool for their guests with disabilities, we at EdgeMate want to do our part and take care of the enjoyment.
As part of our Inclusion Initiative, we will supply, at each pool access point, an EdgeMate Pool Chair fitted with custom labeling that indicates exclusive use for accessible travelers.
Our Ultimate Goal: wherever there is access, there is EdgeMate.
EdgeMate fits most in-ground pools, but due to the diverse nature of pool design, it does not fit all of them. If the pool deck is level and meets the pool wall at anything close to a 90-degree angle, then EdgeMate will likely be compatible with your pool. Check our compatibility page for more information.